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About the Front
The painting is The Mirror of Venus (1898), oil on canvas by Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones. In the painting Venus and her maidens gaze at their reflections in a pool of water. Their expressions and body langue appear to suggest sadness, nostalgia, and a new awareness.


This business card was a joint effort with a female Comrade and our staff. We whish to say “thank you again for all your help; you know who you are".

Northwest Front Business Card

On the Inside
This fold open business card has quotes and paraphrased selections from Which Way Western Man, by William G. Simpson, superimposed over a statue of the Germanic Princess Thusnelda. The narrative focuses on the loss of womanhood, and the fallacies of equality.

​About the Back
A diamond ring effect, after the totality phase of a solar eclipse, with the NF logo shinning forth from the Sun’s return. The shape of a ring, being a symbol of eternal bond and marriage, is formed from their motion and union (“…Man was Sol, …woman was Luna,…” ) and the passing of their brief eclipse; as it is their nature, and the natural order of the cosmos.

Northwest Front Business Card
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